Why You Must Prioritize Creating Online Passive Income



Why You Must Prioritize Creating Online Passive Income


Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man

How would you like to receive a stream of online passive income while on vacation with your family? Or have the time to do what you have always wanted to do without worrying about needing money?


These scenarios may seem like farfetched wishes to you now. But, what if they are realizable and can become realities sooner than you think?


They can become possible realities when you create passive income online.  It allows you the chance to earn that income with minimal effort after setting your business up working hard on the front end.


Passive online income and why it is for you


What is Passive income?  It is earning money in a way that does not need too much effort from you after the startup and early going. On the flip side, active income takes active participation and years to accumulate wealth, if ever. Therefore, it is understandable for a person with a full-time job to see extra income earned with no sweat quite attractive.


In any undertaking, you spend time and effort. For active income, you get paid for the amount of work and time you put into it. With passive income, you invest much of your time and effort at the start or early phases. The difference is that with passive income, you get to receive a stream of income even years after the job is done. Therefore, you get the time freedom, “a most valuable commodity,” to do what you have always wanted to do.


Other than freedom of time, there are other benefits you get when you create passive online income, like freedom from anxiety, stress, and fear of the future.  You may gain the ability to work and live anywhere; and still experience financial growth and stability.

Difficulties likely encountered creating passive online income


Don’t let the word passive fool you.  Problems are part of any endeavor, so expect to encounter a few with passive online income. Two huge issues most people face with regards to passive online income are misinformation and disinformation.


Misinformation leads people to believe that passive online income is a get-rich-quick system. It is most definitely not.  What is left out from much of the information people get is that you need authority and put in time on a website or other type of web presence to earn a substantial amount of income in the long run.


Disinformation misleads people into buying some system they erroneously believe would make them an internet millionaire. Preferably with no work and overnight! Not knowing much about what passive income is and how it works makes people easily misled into buying any applications offered on the internet.


Here are some passive income opportunities


Even though the focus of this article is why you need to create passive income I don’t want to leave without sharing just a bit more information with you.


There are Many entrepreneurs and business owners who  accumulated their wealth after transforming their active income activities (jobs, consulting, freelancing, etc.) into passive income streams. Rather than  trading their time and effort for money directly, they are paid in an assortment of ways depending on the benefit they generated with years of sweat and hard work.


So, what are some of the better passive income opportunities regular people can take and launch? With the ever burgeoning digital age, doing business online is offering new innovative sources of income – particularly passive income.


In my opinion a few of the best passive income opportunities include affiliate marketing, blogging, eCommerce, and chatbots. With the right methodologies, patience, dedication, and skill, even beginners can earn some passive income from their passion, experience, or profession.


What you need to succeed in creating passive online income


To be a success at creating passive income, you need to give real value that benefits your target market. And, you need the right attitude that is almost altruistic. You invest the utmost effort and time at least return at the start.




Be smart. When you come across offers that promise wealth fast, look into it, and scrutinize before dipping into your pocket. Search for opportunities to acquire knowledge about passive online income and learn by doing.


Fortunately, there are manylegitimate ways you can create passive income online and look forward to the time where you can sleep or relax and wait for the stream of income to arrive.  If you are a beginner, want to work from home, need to create another income stream time to get moving. 


A successful online business no longer has to be out of reach.  You can be anywhere from a teeager to a baby boomer and start.  So put on your entrepreneur business owner hat and go for it.

About The Author

Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, Business Skills & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

Visit TheodoreHenderson.com for more information.

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