How to Practice Positive Self-Talk to Achieve Success

How to Practice Positive Self-Talk to Achieve Success


Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man



The messages that you tell yourself should be positive self-talk.  Their job is to motivate and encourage you to reach your goals and success. Or how they will limit your potential if they are negative. The signals that you send yourself are an essential aspect of achieving success. It is imperative to know their effect because these messages will determine whether you’ll keep moving forward or if you’ll quit. Here are practical tips to help you provide yourself with the positive self-talk you need to find success. 


Tip 1 – Cut Negative People Out of Your Life

Everybody, from time to time, can have an off day and be negative. However, some people tend to surround themselves with negative thoughts and emotions. If you have someone like this in your life, you may want to consider distancing yourself from them. The attitudes of those around you will have an impact on your perspective. The more you hang around negative people, the more negative you will become.


As per the article “Removing Toxic People From Your Life In 9 Steps.”

By Katherine Hurst, here are the steps you should take to remove consistently negative people. 


  1. Don’t Expect Them To Change
  2. Establish And Maintain Boundaries
  3. Don’t Be Pulled Into Crises
  4. Focus On The Solution
  5. Own Your Difficulties And Weaknesses
  6. Understand Projection
  7. Know They May Resist
  8. Choose Your Battles Carefully


Tip 2 – Be Grateful

One of the best ways to find the positive in your life and create positive self-talk is through gratitude. Recognizing the things in your life that you are grateful for will help to improve your attitude. Having a more positive attitude and engaging in positive self-talk will help you have a better, more positive outlook on life and help you on your path to success.


Gratitude is a reasonably easy way for people to appreciate what they have instead of always reaching for something new. It is frequently overlooked as a “mental tool” as people search for what they feel is lacking in their lives in the hopes that a “new thing” will make them happier. Or thinking they can’t feel satisfied until every physical and material need identified in some marketing campaign has been met. 


Gratitude helps people refocus on what they actually have instead of all of the things they lack. And, although it may feel false in the beginning, this mental state grows more powerful with use and practice.

Here are three quick ways to cultivate gratitude regularly, count your blessings, pray, and meditate.

Tip 3 – Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

When you compare yourself to others and focus on what you lack to what others have, your self-talk can quickly become negative. When you are playing the comparison game, it can be easy to get down on yourself and grow negative about your life. There will always be people that are better and worse off than you, but you need to concentrate on everything you do have and be grateful for the things in your life. Live your life, and stop comparing yourself to others.


Avoid the easiest way to fall into this trap. Stop spending too much time scrolling through social media looking at everyone else’s alleged beautiful life.


I’ve seen the studies that show how time on social media feeds increases depression and envy and decreases well-being. In short, it makes you self loathing, twisted, and bitter. I suggest you do as I’m doing, which is to use social media purposefully and correctly choosing what to look at and keeping it to a minimum.


Tip 4 – Believe in Yourself

You have to believe in your innate ability to succeed in what you set out to do. Believe in the skills and abilities that you have, and that will help propel you toward success. Doubting your ability will hold you back from trying and ultimately from succeeding. Believe that you will find success, even if it takes more than one try.


Here’re 10 ways to believe in yourself again from

  1. Accept Your Current Situation. …
  2. Think About Your Past Success. …
  3. Trust Yourself. …
  4. Talk with Yourself. …
  5. Don’t Let Fear Stop You. …
  6. Let Yourself Off the Hook. …
  7. Go with a Positive Attitude. …
  8. Let a Life Coach Help You.
  9. Keep Moving Forward And Never Look Back
  10. Let Life Move You

Book resources I’ve found helpful to train your mind for positive self talk.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Think and Grow Rich

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: Unlock the Secrets Within

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy


Tip 5 – Don’t let undefined fears drag you down

How many times have you been in a situation where “the world” seems to be against you? Many times we become afraid and want to escape from our fear instead of taking a step ahead. It’s often scarier when the concerns are nebulous.


So what can you do? Try to identify the worst thing that could happen in a particular scenario. Start by looking at it to realize the worst possible outcome isn’t as bad as you might think. Make a list of things to take action on to mitigate fear. Plan what you can do about the fear to make it appear quite a bit smaller. Sometimes, you just need to take a chance for the goal you want and fight through the negative self-doubt.



You are in control of your life, and you have a choice as to how you want to change it. Choosing to act on these five tips will help you practice positive self-talk and put you on the path for success.  For more on on entrepreneurship, business ownership, mindset, motivation, and success visit our Wisdom4Business Blog.

Click Here for a look at “Born To Succeed”

– How to Unleash Your Inner Drive So That You Can Accomplish Everything That You’ve Set Out to Do

About The Author

Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, Business Skills & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

Visit for more information.

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