How Healthy Eating Propels Your Future Business Success  


How Healthy Eating Propels Your Future Business Success  



Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man

The Healthy Business Owner Series #5

Why is healthy eating so important?  Have a vision of what success in business and a healthy life mean to you? Do you also have a nagging sense that you will never achieve what you’re dreaming about but aren’t sure why? Lastly, maybe you aren’t 100% sure where to start on the road towards achieving your goals and experiencing your ultimate success. Here is a hint. A big part of the answer is about choices. 


The first and easiest choice most of can make is to maintain a healthy body starting healthy eating.  What we consume and put into our bodies may not seem important at the time but it is critical.  Along with regular physical exercise, it gives us the overall health to pursue our goals by creating excellent health.


Where Your Future Success Begins

So many of us stop believing that the decisions we make daily will have any impact on us whatsoever. Humans beings, generally as a species,  have a tendency to be impractical and shortsighted. Besides, many seem to be lacking proper skills when it comes to planning for the future. Not a distant location you hope will somehow be better than the present.


Perhaps you are a progressive person who wants to truly make a difference in the world. That being the case, you must begin to view the future as “a place” that you can actively mold to meet your anticipated needs.

Get The Most From Yourself


If your goals are ambitious, then you are going to quickly realize that you need to be comprehensively and 100% at your best. To accomplish those goals, lukewarm effort in the hypercompetitive world won’t get it done for you.


Everybody wants to become the best version of themselves possible. Only by taking care of your most fundamental needs, then you are going to be struggling for the majority of your life with issues that do not need to roadblocks.



The Road To Success Through Health


Generally, at this point, we would start to discuss entrepreneur characteristics or business owner strategies. Instead, let’s begin with nutrition and a healthy body.


When you are not providing your proper proper nourishment, you are depriving your brain of the means of consolidating and retaining information. You are working against the most expensive machine, your brain, that you have at your disposal in achieving whatever it is that you want to make.


Your goals cannot become a reality if you are not first and foremost considerate of the gift that you were bestowed by birth. Our bodies need upkeep, much like any other machine requires. If you don’t give it the proper nutrients it requires to survive, you will be operating at your lowest possible capacity.


Click here for a look at the 8 weeks customized keto meal plan for weight loss.

You Are Not Immortal


When you are not tending your body and eating nutritious foods, but you are also inviting disease to come upon you later in life. No one realizes just how important their health is until it is already deteriorating. And by then, it is often too late to implement the changes that you need to make to avoid further damage from occurring.


Fortunately, you can start today by making your future a priority through nutrition. Start by getting rid of all the junk food in your home. Give it away to groups who need to raise money from food drives or relatives who might appreciate it. Make small adjustments to your food intake, gradually implementing days where you prepare meals that are entirely healthy and conscientious of your body’s need for nutrition.  Don’t depend on guesswork instead use sources such as The Mayo Clinic Food Substitution Guide.



Healthy Eating And Academic Success


Perhaps you are still skeptical? Healthy eating is a lifelong journey that starts when we are young and continues through adulthood. Don’t take my word for it. Here is what the Center for Disease Control ( has to say on the matter in its resource “Health and Academic Achievement” published by it’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Population Health.


Evidence of dietary behaviors and academic achievement.


Student participation in the USDA – United States Department of Agriculture SBP School Breakfast Program is correlated with increased academic grades and standardized test scores, reduced absenteeism, and improved cognitive performance (e.g., memory). 


Missing breakfast is associated with decreased cognitive performance (e.g., alertness, attention, memory, processing of sophisticated visual display, problem-solving) among students)


A deficiency of the adequate consumption of specific foods, such as fruits, vegetables, or some dairy products, is associated with lower grades among students.


As an adult, do you really think these nutritional guidelines don’t apply to you? Could you be a better business owner or entrepreneur as your improved nutrition affects your health?


Click here for a look at the new approach to food pairing for weight loss and better health. Or click the image below for video.

The Data Tells The Story

  • Optimal nourishment can raise national productivity levels by 20% – World Health Organization (WHO). 
  • People with unhealthy eating habits are 66% more likely to have poor productivity at work – Brigham Young University
  • 75% of corporate healthcare expenses are spent on chronic diseases, mostly diet-related – Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • 12.2% of American adults are meeting the standard for daily fruit consumption – Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • 9.3% are meeting the standard for vegetables – the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Clearly this is a small sample of much more very insightful data.  But, the real point is this topic has and is being studied so take advantage of the information to inform some of your nutrition, healthy eating, and living decisions.


Your Weight May Affect Your Salary

The bias against overweight employees extends to their salaries too. Reports published in a Time article based on the Journal of Applied Psychology clearly indicate a bias.

Women considered to be plus-sized may earn up to $19,000 less in wages compared to their slimmer colleagues.

If you gain weight during the course of your career, you could earn a lower yearly income from 2.3% to 6.2% depending on your gender. 



The Connection Between Adult Success And Healthy Eating


Thankfully we live in a more enlightened environment regarding how business sees employee health. For example, many companies have programs related to physical activity in their corporate wellness department. However, they often aren’t prioritizing the other pieces of the health and wellness maze – nutrition. 


According to the Institute for Health Metrics, poor quality nutrition has almost three times the impact on health as low-level fitness. Incredibly and sadly, more than two-thirds of the U.S. population is classified as obese and another 86 million Americans struggling with pre-diabetes. The need for quality accessible nutrition education is evident.

Don’t Fool Yourself


Let’s be honest; too much stress can create poor eating habits. One of the biggest hindrances to intentional healthy eating is the workplace. Most of us are creatures of habit with daily practices focused around work demands. However, these practices don’t have to be negative; they may actually make the workplace a prime opportunity to improve our intentional healthy eating goal.  




Healthy Eating – The Hidden Ally of Entrepreneurs and Business Owners


Any nutrition plan must be personalized to safeguard that we each have the energy we need to feel healthy. And, have the required power to “crush” our goals and navigate this obstacle course called life. This customization will increase the likelihood of successfully following the plan and healthy eating in a way that benefits us.


But regardless of the dietary approach you choose, to improve mood swings, memory, and energy level, and motivation. The following are a few key factors.


  • Delete sugar and processed food from your diet.
  • Eliminate foods that cause you discomfort.
  • Eat anti-inflammatory foods.
  • Eat diverse organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink filtered water.
  • Plus many more.


Click here for a look at the 8 weeks customized keto meal plan for weight loss.




It is never too late to begin making healthy changes in your life, even if you are already dealing with lasting impact from bad choices. Everybody makes mistakes. But if you can forgive yourself and stay forward-focused, then you are well on your way to becoming the master of your domain and making your life work in your favor. Everyone wants to accomplish their goals. So take the first step today and purposefully choose a lifestyle that is health-focused and rewarding both mentally and physically! 


See my post “How to Easily Create The Habit Of Healthy Eating” for additional insights on developing healthy eating habits with the busy entrepreneur and business owner in mind.


Helpful Nutrition and Lifestlye Resources

If you haven’t yet found a program that works for you take a look at these two as you do your research.

1. See how this celebrity doctor’s slightly unorthodox approach helped one man finally get control of his nutrition and fitness deficiencies.

2.  How one woman broke the weight loss code and got her life back.


Click here for a look at the new approach to food pairing for weight loss and better health. Or click the image below for video.  


About The Author

Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, a Certified Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

Theodore is far from one dimensional. Because he has seen the negative effects of poor health habits in his family. He has dedicated himself to making healthy living part of his personal success journey and sharing his knowledge with his clients as well as audiences.

Visit for more information.

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