Creating Your Success in Life
Theodore Henderson
The Wisdom Man
Sometimes, you feel that something is missing in your life. Have you asked yourself what it is? If not, then what makes you motivated to wake up in the morning and go out to do your daily tasks? Many people only exist, but they are not really living. There’s this saying by Mark Twain that goes, “The two greatest days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out what your purpose is.”
Your purpose in life is what inspires you to attain success in life. It provides you with the right direction where you want to go in the future.
Being successful must be one of your purpose in life. Admittedly, it won’t be easy because everyone experiences problems and challenges every day. How can you attain it? Here are some basic tips that you can do to achieve success in life:
Do what you love.
To be successful, you must have passion. Know yourself first to discover your characteristics; personality likes and dislikes as a person. If you want to know how to love yourself and enjoy life, you need to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing yourself will give you the confidence to handle people and problems. That is how you are going to experience success in life.
Once you know yourself, discover what is that one thing (you have at least one) you want to do. You can be a chef, doctor, tailor, programmer, or even a painter. However, make sure that whatever it is, you are happy with it. That is how you’re going to be successful.
To the extent possible do what you love productively and efficiently.
Do not compare yourself to others.
People are all different from each other. You have you’re own unique and distinct characteristics, separating you from others. To avoid going around and asking why you are not as good-looking or talented as other people. There will always be those who are better than you in certain aspects, so comparing yourself to them will make you feel inferior. Focus on your excellent and positive characteristics, skills and talents and discover the best version of yourself.
Make a plan.
Yes, I’m urging you to embrace and use real goal setting. To attain success in life, you must have goals. To reach these goals, know how to plan your actions. Every day, you will have tasks and activities that will bring you closer to your goals. If you don’t plan, everything will be disorganized and chaotic. Instead of completing them, you may need to add more tasks because of careless planning.
As for advice, plan every day. If you can, plan the night before, so when the day comes, you can start your day right by prioritizing what you need to do first.
Be Flexible to Changes
Change is the only constant thing in this world. Life is always uncertain. Your first few years in handling it may be smooth sailing, but the next few years may bring challenges and problems that may push you to take lots of risks. With this changes in your life, the attitude that you must have is flexibility.
It’s just one example of a problem you may face in the future. Always be ready for them and plan. Remember that sometimes, changes will occur and your journey to success in life may be delayed. So, never give up.
The last thing to remember is that success in life isn’t only about money. We need money to live and take care of our needs but by itself it will not make you happy. Rather think of success as doing something you love to do, you are good at doing, and you can also create a living from.
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About The Author
Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, a Certified Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA. In addition he is the author of the business program “Launching Your Great Business Idea,” as well as the author of the following books; “The Wisdom Compass: Your 31-Day Journey to Wisdom-Filled Living”, “9 Simple Strategies to Becoming a Strong Leader
” and the Security eBook “30 Smart Ways to Protect Yourself from Cyber Criminals
” aimed at owners of Smartphones, Mobile Devices, and also those who have significant online activities including Social Media, financial services, etc. He is available for keynotes, seminars, and workshops. He may be reached through