Build Resilience And Overcome Adversity

Build Resilience

How You Can Build Resilience And Overcome Adversity


Professor Theodore Henderson


“You can make mistakes, but you’re not a failure until you start blaming others for those mistakes.”

– John Wooden.


You’ve probably heard tales of how an ordinary person overcomes tremendous hardship. People like these understand the importance of moving ahead and starting anew. Why is it that some individuals appear to recover from problems while others do not?  Those that recover and go on to success learned how to build resilience.

Resilience is essential. It is the primary personality characteristic that decides whether or not someone can pick themselves up and go back into the game of life.  It is clear that a successful entrepreneur or business owner will not successful without it.  You won’t find the right job and grow your career without it.

Very resilient people have specific distinguishing characteristics. Some individuals are virtually devastated by tragedy and excel at playing the victim. Others, on the other hand, emerge from hardship even stronger.  Now, let’s see how to build resilience to better our chances of emerging from hardship stonger and better.


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How You Can Build Resilience


Adversity is unavoidable, but misery is a choice.


According to research, individuals who have or build resilience are:

1. Believing in the future. The current difficulties are seen as transient. There is genuine hope that things will improve soon. You’ll only receive more than you anticipate if you’re fortunate, so expect more of what you want!

2. Acceptance of adversity. They understand that terrible things are unavoidable at times in your life. They take it with little emotional outburst. Consider that being agitated has never been a valid answer to solve any issue.

3. Recognize their own talents. They trust in themselves and their talents, and they are confident in their abilities and expertise. Remember that taking action is tough when you anticipate continually failing.

4. Concentrated on what they can alter. They are unconcerned with matters over which they have no influence or control. They concentrate on altering what can be altered.  See our post “7 Steps To Overcome Your Obstacles In Life”

5. Active. People that are resilient do not wait for someone else to come and rescue them. They act and do all in their power to assist themselves.

6. Be forward-thinking and accept that you must occasionally take chances. Those with a high level of resilience consider the possibilities and are ready to accept a fair amount of risk in order to build a better future.  In other words, they build resilience as part of building a brighter future.

Do you possess these characteristics? Are you willing to work on improving your resiliency? It has been proposed that the capacity to react forcefully in the face of hardship is genetically determined. Some individuals are just born with a better ability to cope with adversity than others.

However, we all have some ability for overcoming hardship. For example, you’ve most likely lost your keys in the morning at some time. You probably didn’t think to yourself, “Well, the day is gone.” “I’m going back to bed.” You decided to hunt for your keys and searched till you discovered where you left them.

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To build resilience, try the following suggestions:

1. Make an effort to concentrate on the good. Consider all of the factors working in your favor. Things aren’t as bad as you believe. Focusing on your flaws is an excellent method to put a halt to your progress.

2. Consider the most resilient individuals you know. How would they manage your difficult situation? What can you take away from them?

3. Concentrate on solutions. Consider how you can resolve your predicament. Avoid languishing in your quagmire.

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4. Seek help from friends and relatives. Everything seems to be more straightforward with a bit of assistance and support. When the chance arises, make new acquaintances. The more powerful your network, the easier life will be.

Adversity is an unavoidable part of life. However, you have the ability to choose how you will respond to hardship. Just because you’ve battled to overcome difficulties in the past doesn’t imply you have to keep doing it the hard way in the future.  See our post 2 Mindsets To Come Back From Failure.


Build Resilience


9 Ways to Strengthen Your Flexibility, Have More Grit, and Build Resilience


You may be gifted, intelligent, well-educated, and smart. However, if you aren’t robust, persistent, tenacious, and build resilience you won’t be able to make the most of your other qualities.

Consider the top five most successful individuals you know. They’re probably not that talented on average. They do, however, know how to get things done and persevere.

Resilience and grit may be the missing components in your success recipe.


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To boost your perseverance and grit, try the following techniques:

1. Maintain contact and stay intouch with others. It’s natural to want to burrow into a hole and be alone when things are difficult. This is a blunder. With a support system, you’re more competent because you are receiving support. Don’t get stuck witn the mistaken notion that solid strong individuals can take the world on their own. When you have assistance and support, you are more robust and ready to overcome hurdles. Maintain your connections.

2. Have high expectations. When you anticipate things will become better for you, it’s simpler to maintain your resolve. Consider every problematic period in your life. Isn’t it true that things have grown better a mojority of the time with good decision-making? Grit and perseverance are simpler to show when you know better days are coming. Concentrate on the excellent result that may be waiting just ahead.

3. Recognize that the most successful individuals are those who are the most resilient. It may appear simple to be wealthy and successful, but it is far from simple to become wealthy and successful. The most successful individuals were ready to face difficulties that most others would shun, like the plague.

4. Take good care of yourself. Whatever is going on in your life, you still need food, relaxation, love, exercise, and enjoyment. Take care of yourself, and you’ll be in a better position to deal with difficulties. During challenging circumstances, most individuals neglect their own needs, which is a big mistake.

5. Be active rather than passive. When you’re doing something to create improvement, it’s simpler to keep going. Rather than passively waiting for things to improve, take action to make things better. Do something helpful if you have the ability to do so.

6. Provide yourself with mental breaks. Take frequent pauses to replenish your batteries, no matter how tough you are. What is your favorite method to unwind mentally? You might watch a movie, read a book, or go horseshoes with some friends. Do what works best for you.

7. Remind yourself of all the difficulties you’ve faced since childhood. Nobody’s life is perfect 100 percent of the time. You’ve previously conquered many challenges. During difficult circumstances, remind yourself of your previous achievements. You’ll have the stamina and desire to keep going.

8. Live a life centered on your passions. It’s challenging to have grit and perseverance when you have a job you despise. When you’re doing something you like, it’s a lot simpler to stick with it. Find a job and activities that you like. The need for grit is considerably lower!

9. Surround yourself with resilient people. You become more like the individuals with whom you spend the most time. Choose your pals, buddies, and associates with caution. You will become a stronger person if you surround yourself with powerful honest individuals. Find some folks that you aspire to be more like.

What would you do if you were the most resilient and tenacious person you knew? You’d be invincible!

The majority of individuals spend their time attempting to enhance their abilities. It may be more beneficial to understand how to use your talents in every scenario. Increase your success by incorporating resilience building and grit into your life.

Increase your inner fortitude and build resilience to the greatest degree you can. Be too strong to be concerned with failing, and instead concentrate on solutions, and the fantastic future awaiting you!


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About The Author


Professor Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, Business Skills & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

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