7 Steps To Overcome Your Obstacles In Life

overcome your obstacles


7 Steps To Overcome Your Obstacles In Life


Professor Theodore Henderson

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which they have overcome.”

-Booker T. Washington

Barriers and obstacles are meant to challenge you. Your goal is to have ways to overcome your obstacles and find success in life.  This can be incredibly hard, nuanced, and frustrating for many people. Even though obstacles and barriers show up in varying shapes and sizes, you can take several reliable actions to conquer them.

Whether the barrier you face is big or small, here are seven foolproof methods to overcome your obstacles. You might wish to use multiple strategies simultaneously for optimum results. Use these suggestions next time you want to transform a barrier into success. Let’s start to overcome your obstacles now.

7 Steps To Overcome Your Obstacles


1. Correct Your State of mind


The only way that you can conquer a barrier and overcome your obstacles is to correct your frame of mind. When many people think about obstacles, they instantly think of something complex, challenging, and stacked totally against them. Even though barriers are complex, you should not have an utterly unfavorable view of them.  If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, or aspiring professional do you really think you will achieve success obstacle-free?  Of course not!



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The reason is startling simple.  Our challenges are not all negative. In fact, challenges are highly favorable, even on the worst days. Challenges help you grow as an individual and learn more about yourself. Without them, you might never ever become the individual you see in your future and feel destined to be.


With this in mind, it is necessary to see obstacles in a good light. Therefore, view obstacles as challenges in your life but powerful forces for self-development and positive growth. Viewing challenges and obstacles in this way is proper and helpful.


In addition to remedying or adjusting your state of mind about your challenges, you likewise need to change your mindset about overcoming them. Lots of people have what is called a fixed or static state of mind. A fixed perspective and state of mind quits and gets overwhelmed whenever something is challenging.


Instead of having a limited or fixed state of mind, transform it into a growth frame of mind. A growth mindset looks at difficulties and failure as a chance to grow and improve. With this state of mind, you will be far better to overcome your obstacles.


To transform from a fixed to a progressive mindset, you’ll have to put in a great deal of hard work and intentionality. Reflect on your own thinking and prepare it for the better. You will likely find yourself with a combined mindset during the transformation before landing on a progressive growth-oriented one. A “blended state” of mind is thinking in static, fixed terms one minute and in growth terms in another. It reveals progress.


All around, you need to fix any mindsets that are hindering you from growing or taking on the obstacle. Two of the most common unhelpful perspectives include viewing barriers as all bad and a static state of mind. Correct your mindset to see both the positives and the negatives in roadblocks and practice a development state of mind.


2. Stay Optimistic


Challenges can be a lot of hard work, often seeming like a force for the worst. Despite this fact, you require to stay positive whenever you face a barrier. Positivity and optimism assist you in remaining determined and open-minded throughout the procedure.


On the other hand, being negative whenever you face an obstacle will likely result in failure. Whenever we feel upset or pessimistic, we are more likely to give up or think of poorly thought through action steps to take. This makes it almost impossible to conquer the challenge and see it as a power for good.


If you feel that you are getting upset or overloaded by the obstacles, take a break and step back for a moment. No matter what obstacle you deal with, you will be able to take a break from it at some time. Concentrate on something you take pleasure in, such as a hobby, buddies, pets, or family activities.



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Unfortunately, there might often be a time when you can not take a break. For instance, the barrier might need to be addressed immediately. If you find yourself in this situation, consider challenging your pessimistic thoughts. Adverse thoughts are often unrealistic and illogical—talk back to your inner thoughts by questioning your negativeness to see if it is accurate and worthwhile.


Think about speaking with a therapist as well. A therapist will help you see the positives in any scenario. They will likewise assist you in creating practical and reasonable action steps to take whenever you feel overwhelmed or removed by the circumstance.


Suppose you discover that you are continuously feeling pessimistic and cynical. In that case, you may be required to go back to our first suggestions to fix your mindset. Overpowering negativeness is typically due to having a detrimental doom and gloom perspective. A therapist or counselor may be your wisest course of action here.


Even on the worst days, attempt to stay positive. Remaining optimistic is essential on these sorts of days. Stay positive by taking a break, questioning the negativity, or seeing a therapist. You may also be required to deal with your frame of mind if you know that you often draw on negativeness.


overcome your obstacles


3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others


In a world of social networks, we are frequently required to compare ourselves to others. This leads to unnecessary negativeness, hazardous mindsets, and several opposing effects that harm our health and well-being.


Comparing yourself to others also impedes your capability to conquer challenges. Many people don’t think of these adverse effects. However, it holds true. Whenever you compare yourself to others, you are living by their requirements, not your own.


When this occurs, you often produce more challenges than you solve. That’s since it is impossible to live by a standard if it does not originate from within. You will feel a lot of stress and anxiety, stress, and other unfavorable sensations whenever you do this.


Instead of comparing yourself to others, it is more beneficial to compare your current self to your previous self. Taking a look at your former self will show you how far you’ve progressed and that there is no need to feel self-detracting. On the other hand, looking at your past self may inspire you to progress and realign your life with your fundamental ideals.


Whenever an obstacle confronts you, it is necessary to keep a clear and focused mind. You can not see the whole picture of anyone else’s life. Only focus on yourself and your needs when getting rid of a challenge because that is all you can do. 


For more on this topic see Stop Comparing Yourself To Others.


4. Take a Look at the Facts


Looking at the realities of your challenge is vital for conquering it. Many individuals see a barrier, but they decline to take a look at its basic truths or facts. Instead, they just listen to their feelings. Although feelings are essential, you must initially look at the facts, as we will discuss later.


Until you take a look at the facts, you will not understand the truth about your challenge. Yes, you may realize it vaguely, but you will not know about its truths, requirements, or results. All of these realities are required to produce efficient action steps for you to follow.


To find out about what is behind your challenges:

  1. Take a look at it from an unbiased point of view.
  2. Reflect on why you need to face the challenge, what it means to you, what it requires of you, and if it involves another individual.
  3. If the obstacle involves somebody else, speak to that person and get their perspective on the matter.



After taking a look at the actual facts, you can set objectives and get rid of obstacles. Until you finally take this step, however, it is impossible to know what is needed to get rid of the barrier.


5. Set Goals


We can’t speak about getting rid of barriers without talking about setting goals. Goals assist you to produce and follow through with action steps that take you from point A to point B. Simply put, your goals help you conquer your barriers by simplifying and “chunking them down” into small portions.


The very best method to set goals is to utilize the SMART approach. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.


  • Specific: A specific goal has a single intent or function. You can quickly explain what you require to do without getting confused or muddled along the way. “Lose 10 pounds” is a particular goal, while “drop weight” is not.


  • Measurable: A measurable objective is a bit more self-explanatory. It can be determined regarding whether or not you achieved it. Once again, “lose 10 pounds” is measurable, but “slim down” is not.


  • Attainable: An attainable objective is merely one that you can really achieve. It is not too lofty or outside of the realm of possibility. “Lose 10 pounds” is easily achievable, but “lose 100 pounds” might not be.


  • Relevant: The goal needs to be relevant to what you desire out of life or overcome your obstacles. Lots of people set objectives that they think are relevant however are actually not. If the challenge is dropping weight, “lose 10 pounds” matters. However, “purchase new workout equipment” is not.


  • Time-Bound: Binding your objective to a specific time keeps you motivated. It prevents you from slacking. “Lose 10 pounds” is not time-bound, but “lose 10 pounds in 3 months” is.


The goals you set must integrate all five of the previous qualities. By selecting these SMART goals, you produce achievable action steps that assist you in breaking down the barrier so you can conquer it.


6. Do Not Forget About Your Emotions


As we already discussed, feelings are really essential to conquering obstacles. While many people struggle with getting swept away with their emotions, others have the opposite issue. They only believe and operate in terms of rationality or facts, which ignores an essential aspect of their true self and well-being.


Whenever facing any obstacle, you can’t discount your emotions. When you do this, you are endangering your own health and stability. It likewise prevents you from seeing essential facts about an obstacle, such as its true significance to you.


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When initially confronted with a challenge, you need to determine if it deserves your time or has any significance in your life. If you do not consider your emotions, you won’t genuinely know how you feel about the obstacle. You might handle a barrier that you do not honestly care about. This puts unneeded pressure and stress in your life.


While overcoming the barrier, you have to be in touch with your emotions too. Being in touch with your feelings throughout the procedure will reveal to you whenever you require to take a break or request assistance. If you don’t do these things, you harm your physical and mental health.


As you are overcoming obstacles, keep in mind to remain in touch with your feelings throughout the whole procedure. Though you should not get swept away by them, you shouldn’t neglect them either. It is just as dangerous.


7. Reflect


One of the best methods for overcoming obstacles is to gain from your experience battling your previous challenges. Your past barriers and obstacle offer you tips and concepts for using your strengths to overcome your future obstacles. To learn from a challenge, you need to reflect on it initially and take the lessons learned to heart.


Throughout the entire procedure, review yourself, your weak points, your strengths, and your capabilities. This teaches you more about yourself than you will ever understand. Knowing yourself is what improves your self-esteem and capacity to overcome your obstacles.


Even after the obstacle is beat, still assess the scenario you were involved in. Did you find out anything new by the end? What lessons did you learn from the barrier? Assess these sorts of concerns and take them to heart.


The next time a barrier comes utilize this reflection method. You will be able to recall this info and utilize it to beat this new barrier. This reflection makes the experience more significant to you, which might make challenges a more positive experience in your mind.


overcome your obstacles


Conclusion – 7 Steps To Overcome Your Obstacles In Life


Obstacles are really tough and require a lot of work. Fortunately, there are some sure-fire approaches you can experiment with to overcome your obstacles or any barrier you may face. Fixing your state of mind, remaining optimistic, and focusing on yourself are crucial steps for conquering an obstacle.


Similarly, taking a look at the truths, setting goals, and considering your emotions will assist you in getting rid of the challenge efficiently and practically for your well-being. Throughout and after the whole procedure, assess it so you can take out the relevant details at a later point.


Incorporate one or a number of these pointers into your regimen when conquering barriers and challenges so that you can overcome your obstacles efficiently, rapidly, and proficiently.


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About The Author


Professor Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, Business Skills & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

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