5 Tricks To Become A Positive Thinking Business Owner

5 Tricks To Become A Positive Thinking Business Owner

(In No Time At All!)


Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man

Did positive thinkers  become positive thinking people overnight? Of course not! It’s not like they went to sleep one-night being negative thinkers, and the next day, they rose out of bed thinking all the time positively. 


Why Positive Thinking Is Important To Success


Entrepreneurs are generally highly motivated and energetic individuals with “gobs” of self-motivation. However, entrepreneurship is a battle that not many can withstand. Maintaining that entrepreneurial spirit is something every business owner struggles with throughout the lifetime of their business.


For example, as a former salesperson and sales manager, I know from experience that successful salespeople need to maintain a positive attitude. In fact, sometimes, an entrepreneur’s hardest battle is his or her own mindset.


As a business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur, mindset is critical to overcoming the challenges that come with entrepreneurship.


Learning how to think positively is a journey, you need to invest the time and effort to train your mind to let go of your negativity. Here are five strategies you can start practicing today to help you master positive thinking quickly and effectively.


1. Embrace The Morning Ritual Habit


Many successful entrepreneurs have a morning routine or ritual, so if you ever want to achieve your dreams, you should work on acquiring this success habit as well. You’ll learn to go to bed early so you can wake up early in the morning after a good night’s sleep.  


You’ll learn to do your most important activities in the morning when you are fresh. Activities such as exercise, writing in your journal, goal setting, planning your day, etc. This approach will increase your productivity and positivity. 

2. Read Inspirational Motivaitonal And Positive Thinking Books


You may be too busy to finish a book per day, but surely you can squeeze in a few minutes per day to read a few pages or maybe even an entire chapter. 


But don’t just read any book. Choose books that will teach a new skill or two, or something that will help improve your life. Here is a short-list of some of my favorite books that will show you the power of positive thinking. More importantly, how to apply it to your life. Click on the links for a description.


How to Stop Worrying and Start Living 


Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude 


The Power of Positive Thinking


Man’s Search for Meaning 


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: Unlock the Secrets Within 


3. Smile And Laugh


Yes really!  There’s nothing wrong with taking yourself seriously. But we should always find the time to smile and bring some laughter to every single day. Share a joke or something funny with your family, friends, and coworkers. 


I’m not a fan of TV watching but funny TV shows or YouTube videos now and then is good for the soul. There’s a reason why those kinds of videos go viral! People love them because it cheers them up! 


4. Think Happy Thoughts 


Only you know what kind of thoughts make you happy. Whatever it is, try to imagine an image of that object, person, dream, goal, etc. whenever you feel low. Or when you start imagining negative situations. Learn to use your happy thoughts to block out all the negativity your mind conjures!


meditate each morning before starting my day. It sets a powerful intention!


5. Count All Your Blessings


Even the most unfortunate person in the world has got something at some point to be thankful for. Whether it be your family, friends, loved ones, material wealth, success, etc. if it makes you happy, then count it as one of your blessings. Please write it down and don’t ever forget!


To get you started, here are two books on living in gratitude. The first is Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy.   The second is 365 Thank Yous: The Year a Simple Act of Daily Gratitude Changed My Life. 


One of the resources I provide that you may enjoy is “Using The Power of Positive Thinking.” It is a budget-friendly resource that is very, very helpful. 





Having the proper mindset is critical for succeeding in business and in life. But how does a person develop their own mindset and steer it in the right direction? As an entrepreneur and business owner, I’ve learned that there are some vital things you have to consistently in order to maintain both a positive and growth mindset.


The first is to not limit your thinking. Self limitation through negative self talk and negative people associations is a common dream killer.


Just as important as positive thinking is being deliberate about your rituals, habits and actions. Imagine having a dream about gaining muscle and transforming your body.  But, at the same time, not being deliberate about eating healthy or regularly exercising. How soon would that dream come to fruition?


The same thing can be said about any dreams or goals you set for your activities or business. If you’re not deliberate and consistent about taking actions to achieve those goals or dreams, it’s basically the same as not having any goals or dreams.


About The Author

Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, a Certified Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

Visit TheodoreHenderson.com/ for more information.

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