The Importance of Stress Management in Business Success



The Importance of Stress Management in Business Success


(What Stress is, and

How You Can Prevent it)



Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man


Stress management in business is a vital skill because all people battle with stress in their own way. Managing the situation is tricky for regular people as they may or may not have the tools to cope.  Despite their individual battle, there is no hiding as they bring their issues to work, and then it becomes a business issue.  For example, some people decide to hover in fear and cry in a corner. Others try to fight their way out of stressful situations. Simultaneously, some just tend to hold up and keep everything inside until it bursts out.  Somewhat like an overinflated tire past its pressure point. 



Regardless of how you cope with this situation, you need to understand when you are stressed so you can take action. Your body, faced with stress, immediately pressures itself into making the correct decision to escape the situation unharmed. You want to make it was the correct decision.



People opting for the “fight” option over the “flight” tend to have their blood zoom to their muscles in preparation for any response. This is where the “red-faced reaction” in some comes from. On the other hand, the people who are not used to fighting it out with whoever’s (or whatever’s) causing the disturbance will most likely have most of their bodily functions shut down. Causing them to freeze immediately and not do anything. 


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We’ve all had to go up against unpleasant situations, and that’s a fact. It could be someone annoying you. Perhaps people making your day harder or just a series of unfortunate events that imply that “God has it in for you.” It always sparks that little battle inside you. The fight causes you to feel that unpleasant sensation filling your whole body, triggering you to see only a red flag of fury.



But hey, that’s not what we’re here to focus on that today. No, we’re here to help you get past those unfortunate events and function correctly for the rest of the day. Stress management in business becomes a critical element in your survival strategy.  Regardless of what you’re going through, this article will help you cope with this more effectively. Making sure that you know precisely how to escape any distressing situation by merely preventing them from ever happening in the first place. Let’s kick start this article right with the most uncomplicated way to avoid being stressed out without further delay.



Talk with Someone



You most likely knew that this was coming, but alas, it is one of the most effective ways of dealing with stress accumulation. Whether this is a friend, a family member, a mentor, or a psychologist, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you know someone who will listen to all of your problems and offer a shoulder for you when needed.



Regardless of who you are or what kind of person you think you are, you need to understand that we all need help.  All of us fall on our knees every once in a while and need a pick-me-up. This has nothing to do with preserving your image or stroking that ego. It is a necessity. Forget about being the “cool guy who doesn’t need help” and think about your sanity for once. Believe us when we tell you that this is no laughing matter and that you’ll have to deal with it sooner. 



Sleep More


stress management in business

This is another pretty basic one that you should concentrate on. It is beneficial since our mood is dictated by the amount of sleep that we get, so don’t slack off! You need to get those 6 hours of sleep at any cost. 



If you can, you need to strive for 8 hours per night, but alas, most of us can’t really do that, so 6 hours is a much more achievable goal. Any sane doctor out there will tell you that sleep is imperative to your mental health. Without a good 6-8 hours of sleep, you are literally unable to function as a human being anymore. See Tips to Reduce Stress and Sleep Better from WebMD for more on this topic.


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Help Those Around You



This is an essential step as it helps you forget about your own problems for a second and focus on those around you. This also makes people around you like you more, which is definitely great for stress reduction. 



The next time you see someone drop something on the ground, help them. Whenever you see someone dealing with a lot of stress do something to help.  Give them a meaningful gift or assistance to help them get past their problems. As long as you know what you’re getting yourself into, you should accomplish your mission in no time. See Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits from the for more on this topic.



Keep that Positive Mindset at all Times



Regardless of what you might be facing off against mentally, you need to make sure that you always keep that positive mindset. Keep that smile on your face and carry on like there’s no tomorrow. This is an excellent mentality to have.   Since the “placebo effect” takes place if we force it enough that it even affects us mentally before we know it. A unique way to maintain a positive mindset is to listen to calming music daily. Luckily, there are plenty of playlists on Youtube and Spotify to help keep that smile on your face. 


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Alternatively, you can also listen to some calming podcasts, music selections, or nature sounds.   These will make your day more comfortable to get through. There are plenty of these options that you can look to if you’re in a bad mood and need a good pick-me-up. 



Break Down Big Problems into Smaller,

Easier to Handle Challenges



This is a perfect exercise for those that tend to overreact to any problems that they face off against. First, start analyzing your issues and start breaking them down step by step until you see how insignificant they really might be. This exercise is also beneficial for those who can’t find any way to fix their challenges and move past them. 



Analyzing problems carefully will always be the best way of finding solutions to help you fix them in the first place. 



Spend Time In Nature


stress management in business           

Nature is always very relaxing, which is why it’s a perfect way to spend your vacation. You don’t even need anyone with you most of the time. Being alone in the woods surrounded by nothing but trees and the many sounds of wildlife (hopefully not dangerous ones) living in that ecosystem can be incredibly calming. 


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Going on a journey with friends in a local forest is always fun, especially if you’re ready to give up on technology. So why not try? It will help you clear your mind and relieve any stress that you could’ve built up for the week. It might be hard to just throw every electronic device, but trust us, it’s worth it. 



Conclusion – Stress Management in Business Success


I will assume that you are in agreement or at least okay with what has been written in this article so far.  What you may be surprised by is the “common sense” nature of stress management in business.  However, or still may be thinking if this is a cost or a benefit?  That is a great question for entrepreneurs, business owners, and busy professionals.  Continue reading.


This statement may convince you.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “For every US $1 put into scaled-up treatment for common mental disorders, there is a return of US $4 in improved health and productivity.” It should be a priority to develop programs to support mental health in the workplace. Many more managers, senior leaders, and human resources professionals must come to see this as an ally of not only a healthy workplace but also of productivity and business growth. 



So, in conclusion, stress is not always a bad thing. In the prehistoric ages, we used to depend on fear to survive. For example, if a saber tiger would be approaching us, our stress would force us to move immediately. But alas, we no longer require this sort of “Spider-sense” anymore since we no longer live in constant fear. If you follow the steps we gave you in this article, you should be stress-free most of the time. We thank you for your attention and wish you luck in your future journeys. 


Book References for Stress Management:

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, Third Edition

The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living

Practicing Mindfulness: 75 Essential Meditations to Reduce Stress, Improve Mental Health, and Find Peace in the Everyday



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About The Author


Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, Business Skills & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA. Visit The Wisdom4Business Blog for the complimentary series on business startup and entrepreneurship.


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