Subtle Ways To Increase Your Entrepreneur Mindset
By Theodore Henderson
The Wisdom Man
To quit my job, BE INDEPENDENT and work for myself I had to begin thinking like an entrepreneur. Which I did. However, after I became an entrepreneur I started drifting back to that nine-to-five mentality. If I wasn’t completing a task every hour, then I must not actually be working. The reason this happened was obvious. Like so many others I had been doing it my entire school and work life. Real success started after I made a mental shift which began with some simple but powerful adjustments.
At times an independent contractor, self-employed person, or more ambitious thinking entrepreneur (larger business goals) has to make decisions regarding her business objectives. Often she is just thinking of a fix to a problem. When in reality she merely needs to put her mind in a state so new ideas can come. Just because you’re not pounding away on the laptop every minute of the day does not imply you’re not working.
I have actually discovered an incredible timesaver that it’s alright NOT to respond to the phone each time someone calls. That’s the job of your voicemail, as well as the same goes for e-mail. When I was in my nine-to-five work life, I would leave the email program open throughout the day as well as answer each one as it showed up. In reality, this was what I call “faux work.” It took me a while to understand it’s okay check and respond to email several times a day as opposed to continually being disrupted. It’s actually a lot more productive compared to having to quit your thought process whenever “you have mail.” At my traditional job, I was able to allow a telephone call to go to voicemail, however, it took me a while longer to be able to shut down the email too.
You’re going to have days where you feel you didn’t achieve a lot. Then again, you’ll have days where you’ll feel you are the champion of the world as well as you’ll be surprised at the incredible amount you have accomplished? Some days you could not finish that many tasks on your to-do list, however, you’ll choose a critical issue that needed to be dealt with and do it. Or, you will undoubtedly have learned a useful lesson concerning yourself.
And, I had to learn to stop breaking down all my daily work into how much I’m making from the tasks that same day. I tended to worry about how much I was or was not earning each day. The reality is, some days you’re going to make more than other days. If I invested my time that day on sales and marketing strategies, despite the fact that I didn’t make any money from it that day, I would certainly gain from it in the future.
Instead of unnecessary worry about what advantages I do or don’t have, I finally understood the ultimate benefit I have in my business is that I answer just to me. Everything I do will undoubtedly profit me eventually. As opposed to my income hinging on someone else’s business and spending plan, I can go as far as my skill and strategies will take my dream.
And also because I’m currently doing what I enjoy and not what another person orders me to, I’m much happier and more satisfied. I learned if you start THINKING like a business owner or entrepreneur, then you’ll actually be one.
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About The Author
Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, a Certified Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA. In addition he is the author of the business program “Launching Your Great Business Idea,” as well as the author of the following books; “The Wisdom Compass for Christians: Your 31-Day Journey to Wisdom-Filled Living”, “9 Simple Strategies to Becoming a Strong Leader
” and the Security eBook “30 Smart Ways to Protect Yourself from Cyber Criminals
” aimed at owners of Smartphones, Mobile Devices, and also those who have significant online activities including Social Media, financial services, etc. He is available for keynotes, seminars, and workshops. He may be reached through