Is Your Brain Working On Auto Pilot?
(If So It Is Time For A Change!)
Theodore Henderson
The Wisdom Man
The mind is the most remarkable element of our bodies because so much of who and what we are is managed there. Like any other function, thinking can become a habit and a pattern of behavior. If you are conducting the critical aspects of your life on auto-pilot and not experiencing the success you feel you should be then it is time to alter your thinking! You will absolutely obtain even more from life when you take such an approach, of thinking through the results you want, and not leave too many important life issues to auto pilot. It will improve your relationships, your attitude, your work environment, and even how you really feel regarding yourself. This shift in mindset was my greatest benefit from receiving quality coaching and what I always strive to give to my coaching clients
It can be tough to actually assess your thinking approach when you are on auto pilot. You must attempt to do so objectively though so you can see things in a brand-new light. Consider something you do in the house or another function all the time. Ask yourself why you do it in this way. If the answer is “because that is how I have always done it”, you typically aren’t truly thinking about it, since you have determined the situation. Instead, put some real thought into the process. Simply put, are there better ways that it can be done?
Relationships can be tricky as well as challenging. If you find some of yours to be overly and unnecessarily stressful sometimes, you need to alter your mindset. What is it concerning the relationship that does not flow well? Do you have the same conversation over and over with your spouse, child, or another person in you life? Is the outcome constantly the very same no matter what? If so, then it could be as a result of the fact that one of you, or both of you, is on autopilot when it involves your thinking.
An excellent way to alter the situation is to ask the other person just what is on their mind. Once they tell you, ask them why they feel this way about it. When you reply to them, ask yourself the very same thing. What is it that is stimulating such a response? Is that the pattern of behavior that you always opt for? If so, how about trying something new since undoubtedly what you are doing currently, and what you have done in the past isn’t producing in the way you would have hoped for.
Your job or work environment is a terrific opportunity for you to transform your mindset. Lots of people go to work every day, do their work, and then head back home. There is likely to be many areas of your work where you can do things in a different way producing the exact same results easier or perhaps better. As you start to determine those aspects, keep a record of them. Share your strategies with your employer (if you have a healthy work environment) and see if they are willing to permit you to try them. A lot of employers enjoy seeing workers taking such effort and readily encourage this habit.
When you make the mindful decision to alter the way you think, you are empowering yourself to remove any number of negative points around you from your life. You can focus your energy on the positive and empower the environment around you. Seek answers that fit the situation as opposed to lapsing into auto-pilot and doing exactly what you have in the past. Initially, you will need to really focus on what needs to be done to make things function as you would like. However, it will quickly become part of the regular habits that you engage in.
Other people will value you more as well since you will certainly be giving them a fair chance to explore their own ideas and expand as a result of their association with you. You will not be preventing them exploring their own ideas by your automated (auto pilot) reaction to their situation. Therefore you will discover that you are happier, you have less stress, and that your different relationships with others have improved. If you are thinking on autopilot you may be finishing tasks on schedule, yet you are truly just going through the motions instead of letting your experiences expand you as much as they might be if you purposefully thought into them.
You need to ensure you are vetting all your alternatives. Don’t just receive what is in front of you at stated value. There is definitely a lot more out there capable of being supplied to you if you are receptive to it. When you have made the choice to transform and move away from this type of auto pilot reasoning, you will start to discover those opportunities are literally all around you as you go throughout your day a growing number of throughout your day.