How To Set Career Goals And Achieve Them


set career goals and achieve them

How To Set Career Goals And Achieve Them

(Making Your Dream Job A Reality)


Professor Theodore Henderson


“Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for doing it.” – Katharine Whitehorn


What do you want to get out of your profession and career? The response typically isn’t simply “a paycheck.” Instead, we all have dreams of what we want to accomplish in our profession.  However the real key to success is understanding how to set career goals and achieve them.

Some people think of being the CEO or President of a business, leading the rest of the group to success. Others just desire a job where they feel like they’re making a difference. Among the very best ways to make your dreams come to life is to set practical goals.

Setting practical and realistic career goals is how you envision your target and develop a roadmap to help you reach it. While there’s no guarantee that your strategy will always go off without a hitch, knowing how to set career goals will be the minimum required to keep you pointed in the best direction.

The key to set career goals and achieve them is by making sure that they’re clear, practical, and achievable.    The rest of the post will share how it can be done.  Also see our post  Use A Personal Website For Job Search  for additional career and job search strategies.


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Set Career Goals And Achieve Them


Consider these top tips for establishing successful goals and objectives.

Begin With Clarity

First, precisely what do you want to achieve?  Why is career success important to you?

It’s insufficient to simply state, “I want to be in charge.” Do you want to be the CEO of a large corporation, the manager of your own group, or the head of your entire company? Get to the essence of what you truly desire and be as precise as possible.

Studies show that we’re most likely to succeed in our goals when we make them explicit.

If you’re not exactly sure where to begin, ask yourself what your ideal job would permit you to do every day. Then, think of what kind of activities you like and hate in the job you have now.  Of course, you can’t ask yourself this question if your job search consists of a “any job will do approach.”

It might even be a good idea to search for some details on the professions you’ve considered pursuing previously. This will help you to see what kind of daily activities are involved in each position.


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Aim High, but Be Practical and Realistic

The more ambition you have, the better. However, it would help if you still were operating in the realm of reality! For example, if you are completely broke and working in a fast-food establishment, you are starting from a massive disadvantage. You are probably not going to get a job next week paying $150,000 with perks. However, you can set a 12-18 month plan to work towards a much better paying position of perhaps $50K which is a much better position than what you have now.

Another example, you’re still in the first year of your finance degree program. However, your goal is to end up being the CFO of Google by the end of the year. Unfortunately, you’re most likely not going to accomplish your target.

Positioning yourself to fail with goals you can’t accomplish is another way of ensuring that you never ever go anywhere.  Once again understanding how to set career goals and achieve them is critical to your success.

Unfortunately, this also indicates that your goal can’t be to just make a great deal of cash without doing any work. Therefore, it is necessary to put in the time to think of the skills you have, the things you take pleasure in, and the talents you can use to make a living.

For example, you enjoy operating in your marketing role now. However, you believe you could do more. Possibly you could aim to be promoted to a supervisor of a marketing department or the owner of your marketing company within the next 3-6 years.


set career goals and achieve them


Visualize the Way Forward

When you have a goal, you can begin to consider what you will require to achieve it.

Chances are that you don’t have all the resources you would require to get your dream career just yet. Otherwise, you would probably already be doing it.  So get started assembling the tools that will allow you to set career goals and achieve them

So, what are you missing from your plan?

If it’s a specific set of skills or abilities.  Maybe you could look into taking part-time courses beyond your work that will increase your proficiency in those areas. On the other hand, perhaps it’s simply that you have to “know the right people.” Therefore you might commit more time to construct and grow your network as well as  socializing with others in your industry.

Ask yourself what’s missing to take yourself from the point where you are today to the point you want to be at ten years, 5 years, or even one year from now. Once again, understand how to set career goals and achieve them.  Be clear about the steps you’re going to take.



Get Dedicated

Ultimately, it’s going to require time and work for you to get the profession of your dreams.

We all hear others stating that they dislike their job which they’re “going to do somethng about one of these days.” Still, a lot of people never do anything. The reality is that we get stuck in our way of thinking and methods at times. It can be difficult to take risks and push ourselves to accept the obstacle of something brand-new.

Decide here and now whether you’re dedicated to making your dream a reality!

If you are, then force yourself to proactively take actions towards your desired outcome as frequently as possible. Even if it’s simply dedicating an hour a week to networking with experts in your field. Or trying to find a mentor who can guide you through your career development, start someplace.

Your road to success could belong, or your goal could be simply around the corner.  Either way, you’re going to require to begin that journey by taking the first step.

Make your choice, swing into action, and go!


How to Make Your Dream Career a Reality. 


set career goals and achieve them


Some Simple Steps to Set Career Goals and Achieve Them


At some point in your life, it’s normal to dream of something bigger and better when it comes to your career. Although your current job might appear, you may find yourself wanting to work somewhere much better or do something different.

Fortunately, despite doom and gloom news reports, you may be able to head out and make your dream job a reality! Whatever the field, you can discover a way to turn something you enjoy into a profession.

By using these tips, you may be able to at least get started on your way to a happier and less unfocused work-life.

1. Ask yourself, “What do I truly want to do?” What really makes you happy? Among the very best ways to accomplish your dream is to discover something that you already really like to do and make a career out of it. By doing this, the “work” does not seem like torture, as it’s something you enjoy doing anyhow.

– The charm is that you can now generate income doing this. There’s no better sensation than understanding you make money doing something you do for fun! In a nutshell, that’s the true principle of a genuine dream job.

2. Simplify into smaller actions. In some cases, when looking at the big picture, it’s easy to get overloaded and feel overwhelmed. By “chunking it down” into a series of more minor actions, it’s less challenging and a lot easier to handle as you progress forward.  This will be hard to do unless you have the tools and understanding of how to set career goals and achieve them.

This will also power your self-confidence and self-esteem. You can have a sense of pride in understanding that an action has been accomplished. The knowledge that you’re actually heading out and doing what you set out to do will likewise enhance the feeling of pride and self-confidence.  Understanding how to set career goals and achieve them empowers you in so many areas of your life.

3. Do not hesitate to start on the low end of the pecking order. Some “donkey work” will be involved no matter what field you operate in. Consider it as a type of initiation rite. Even if it’s a lower-end job in the business you wish to work for, it still gets your foot in the door. In time, you can climb your way up the ladder.

4. Find a coach or mentor. Coaches and mentors can be really valuable when it pertains to getting your dream job. They accomplish a dual purpose of showing you “how it’s done,” and helping you develop the skills you feel are required. In addition, they serve as a fantastic reference for when a huge moment does come.

– If you’re having difficulty discovering an ideal coach, an excellent role model or someone you admire will work just as well. For example, if you wish to become a star, actress, or entertainer, try to follow in the footsteps of your favorite entertainer or artist.

5. Disregard the pessimists. Depending on the field you operate in, there might be some unfavorable feedback from cynics and even family and friends. For instance, if you wish to write a novel or work for NASA, you may be asked  what is your “real or genuine” job. Or you may be warned about how unlikely (You can’t do that!) it’ll be that you’ll land such a position. So brush it all off and keep moving.  The beauty of understanding how to set career goals and achieve them is you don’t have to listen to this type of nonsense.

– Remember that your goal and direction is toward the world of possibility. Even if it takes some work to break into the field. Books get published by first-time authors, and there are plenty of new hires at NASA.

– When situations like this come along, simply remind yourself that it’s what you want to do. Then, think of the advantages you’ll enjoy when you succeed. In the case of an aspiring writer, you’re required to only remind yourself how exhilarating it’ll be to have a copy of your first book in hand!

While your dream task may be a bit difficult to acquire, it’s highly possible to reach it, no matter how lofty, if you do the work. Put in the effort and follow a handful of starightforward to implement strategies. You can find yourself working the dream job you constantly preferred.t remind yourself that it’s what you want to do. Think of the benefits you’ll enjoy once you succeed. In the case of aspiring novelists, you need to only remind yourself how exhilarating it’ll be to have a copy of your book in hand!

While your dream job may be a challenge to acquire, it’s very possible to reach it, no matter how lofty. If you put in the effort and follow a handful of simple ground rules, you can find yourself working in the profession at the dream job you always wanted.


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About The Author


Professor Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, Business Skills & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

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