How Self-Confidence and Competency Lead to Business Success


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How Self-Confidence and Competency Lead to Business Success


Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man


“Self Confidence means a trust in self, faith in one’s ability, to be able to meet situations as they arise”

– Bernice Milburn Moore

Why are self-confidence and competency such powerful partners on your road to success?  Why do the entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals who have them seem to go farther, faster, and accomplish more? Let’s take a quick look before we dive headfirst. 

All of us become less competent the more we run away from challenges.  If we don’t practice hard enough to build endurance and skill we can’t beat the other team or competitor.  If we go long enough without any wins no matter how good we are we won’t have the confidence to create winning habits.  Therefore we keep losing.  This also applies to the classroom, business, etc.

Believe it or not, personal proficiency, or competence, is actually like a muscle. If you haven’t worked out before and start lifting weights, what do you think will happen? 

Well, it doesn’t take a “rocket scientist” to figure out that you won’t feel too well in the morning. It seems like your muscles are sore all over. It’s like they’re yelling at you to stop working out.


Building Competence

You exert a tremendous amount of pressure on muscles that are not used to that stress and tension. What do you think will happen? That’s right, pain. The secret here is that you must push past the pain.

Many people are under the impression that if their body tells them that it’s in pain, this is their cue to stop. Very common mistake rookies make. Understand that when you listen to your body, you’re basically tuned into that part of yourself, saying to take it easy. You’re giving in to that part of yourself that does not want to be stressed, pushed, and challenged.  

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What do you think your body will ask for? Of course, it will ask you to take it easy. Maybe it will ask you to do something else that is much more pleasurable. It’s going to ask you to back away from anything that may involve discomfort, inconvenience, or sacrifice such as exercise and workouts.

Oddly enough, if you want to make the pain go away, you go to the gym and keep lifting weights. Sure, it feels like torture the next day, but the pain evaporates if you keep going. It turns out that your pain is temporary. It’s only a small price you pay to obtain higher levels of muscle discipline and strength. Learn the difference between competence pain and injury pain.  See the New York Times article, Practical Ways to Improve Your Confidence (and Why You Should) for more on this area.  

Build Self-Confidence and Competency Through Learning

The same applies to your proficiency and knowledge. If you solely focus on your current level of expertise and know-how, you’re not improving. You will not be curious about what else is available. In short, you won’t challenge what you think you know. You won’t break things apart and try to put them back together. Nor uncover how to connect the dots and see the significant patterns.

You will not accomplish any of that. Those are the steps that will take your expertise and competence to the next level. Those elements will enable you to become a more significant expert and authority in whatever field you’re in.

The great error of many highly intelligent people is

they stop studying once they get good at something.

They figure they know more than the average person…

Big mistake!

~ Simon Reynolds via

Unfortunately, many people think that they can cruise or take it easy based on their current level of expertise. They run away from real challenges. Instead, they focus on the things they already know. They concentrate on the “tried and proven.”

Sadly, the more they repeat this, the less competent they become as the value of their knowledge diminishes over time. Also, if you refuse to challenge yourself, chances are you’re not going to figure out more advanced ways to articulate what you already know.

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Competence, expertise, and proficiency are built on self-confidence. You will provide yourself a road map enabling you to step up your game on so many levels.


Yes You Can Do It

Think all of this is too much for you? Nonsense!  Most challenges we are faced with are doable if you know how to chop it down to size.

Without the proper tools for the right mindset, It’s easy to “just worry about” the challenge facing you so that you just freeze up and quit. It’s easy to get discouraged. You begin to feel overwhelmed and see your problem as so big and so scary that there’s really no way you can overcome it.

Said another way, you might as well just give up. You think “there is no use,” and you start losing all hope. If any of these disempowering thoughts enter your mind, you are merely taking the least resistance path. You’re viewing the situation as somebody who wants to do the least work for the most return. And, it has happened to all of us at one time or another.


Getting Serious About Self-Confidence and Competency

If you are serious about being a top performer and achieving unstoppable victory, every challenge you face won’t be scary. Every problem cannot crush you and steal your dreams.  We all know people who this happens to but we don’t have to join them.

Instead, if you have the right mental attitude, every challenge is actually going to be an opportunity. Think about it. If you are challenged with a problem that really pushes you back, it incentivizes you to improve your problem-solving skills. What do you think will happen?  

You are correct. Your natural imagination, resourcefulness, and creativity are activated; therefore, you fathom an approach. If you can’t make it through the front door, you will try the window. Maybe the roof doesn’t work, you try the basement. Perhaps the basement is blocked off for whatever reason, you will try the side door. 

Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution.

If you don’t have any problems,

you don’t get any seeds.

~ Norman Vincent Peale


Now, That Doesn’t Work, Then You Will Try The Back Door.

Today is not an option, so you will try tomorrow. Oh no, that is off-limits, then you return and work at it the next day. In other words, you demand of yourself to become a better person by tackling every challenge you encounter.

One of the most compelling revelations you could ever realize is that every challenge is doable if you break it down to size. Every problem actually has multiple moving parts. If you pick these apart and attack one piece at a time in many different sequences, you will achieve a breakthrough.

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If anything, you evolve into a different person as you go through this problem-solving process. This is what most people miss out on. They’re always searching for the short cut. Worse yet, they’re waiting for a “savior” to rescue them from the situation. They have given up on coming up with a remedy or solution of their own.

Any of this sound familiar? Are you “sick and tired” of being stranded where you are as far as your challenges, competence, and self-confidence go?

Conclusion – Focus on Objective Results First To Grown Self-Confidence and Competency

The key to solving any kind of disconnect is to focus on objective results first. Can you get the job done? Are you a bestselling author or not? Are you at the top of your law school class or not? Are you at least in the top 10%? Did you write a medical report that gets the job done or not? Focus on these black and white objective results first.

This goes a long way in getting you to focus on what you should be focusing on, instead of just letting your feelings get the better of you. Let’s face it, they can run riot. They can be all over the place as far as your feelings go. Competence, on the other hand, is objective. It can often be reduced to black and white.  

Click here for a practical road map for developing real self-confidence and competency!  Now go take action!

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About The Author


Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, Business Skills & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

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