How Artificial Intelligence Affects Digital Marketing In Your Business Today

How Artificial Intelligence Affects Digital Marketing


How Artificial Intelligence Affects Digital Marketing In Your Business Today


Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man


How AI Will Transform the Face of the Internet


How artificial intelligence affects digital marketing is a question all serious entrepreneurs and business owners should be able to answer.  No worries as we are going to help out with this article. 


Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, has the potential to change the face of the internet, which is currently in the process of doing. However, it also can completely destroy and reconstitute it, which remains to be seen.   


Before we continue, let’s be clear about the terminology. As per, digital marketing doesn’t require Internet strategies to fall under this category. While Internet marketing requires using the Internet to implement your marketing to your target audience. Digital marketing is an umbrella term under which Internet marketing falls. Internet marketing is a more precise form of digital marketing.


Often, you hear thought leaders like Evan Kohn, Mark Lynd, Ton Dobbe, and Helen Yu, to name a few, talk about the threat and the promise of AI. Stephen Hawking famously said that Artificial Intelligence could be the most disastrous event in civilization and spell the end of the human race! 

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Sci-Fi fans, such as me, know have visions of Terminator 2’s Skynet and Hal from 2001 Space Odyssey. However, that’s most likely isn’t what they’re talking about.  Instead, in this post, we are going to explore how artificial intelligence affects digital marketing and as a result benefits our entrepreneurial or other business activities.


Those science-fiction nightmares are examples of what you would call “General AI.” Essentially AI is designed to completely replace a human being. Don’t worry, we are nowhere near to creating anything like it yet. The closest to this would be DeepMind, which still isn’t likely to pass the Turing Test.


These leading thinkers seem to be discussing the power of machine learning combined with narrow AI (see the definition below). As well as the resulting capability to completely transform the economy, the web, and what it means to be human. 


Narrow artificial intelligence (narrow AI), also sometimes referred to as weak AI, is a specific type of artificial intelligence. This technology outperforms human beings in some very narrowly defined tasks. It differs significantly from general artificial intelligence as narrow artificial intelligence focuses on a single subset of cognitive abilities and advances in that spectrum. GI would do the exact opposite. 


Narrow AI is a piece of the puzzle that helps us address How artificial intelligence affects digital marketing. 


AI Will Thoroughly Destroy Our Current Version of Internet Marketing


Think, for a moment, how AI might impact your internet marketing. Presently, the best way to ensure your content gets seen is to write lots of high-quality articles, posts, or content and then to share them with your blog.


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But what if an AI could create and author an article better than you can? This isn’t hypothetical. It’s something that has already happened in some instances.


What would take a person perhaps an hour or more to write could take an AI a fraction of a second. The result may be it could flood the web with new content – doubling or even tripling its size overnight.


Now for the potentially bad news. Imagine that this gets into malicious hands. AI could write forum posts, create social media profiles, and interweave that content with a specific message. Almost instantly, it would be able to sway public opinion, rewrite history, or even more. And human writers would be powerless to prevent it!


Perhaps in the future, you might not know what is authored by a person vs. an AI.


An early, authentic example that we should serve as a warning is the “deep fake.” Deep fakes are videos of celebrities created via machine learning. Celebrity faces have been added to videos people and can thus be made to say or do anything. 


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This is a reality thanks to complex machine learning algorithms that work by scrutinizing countless images of faces to see how they writhe and change during speech and movement.


Contemplate a world where this has become so easy to accomplish, that you can never know if an online video is real or not.


It could very well get to the point where people are forced to stop using the internet because there is such a vast trove of fake information and auto-generated content. 


Thankfully, that’s a long way off in the future. But we should monitor our AI and not take the web for granted!

How Artificial Intelligence Affects Digital Marketing


3 Ways AI Will Affect and Change Internet Marketing


I think we now have the idea that AI isn’t something that we should only associate with science fiction. In fact, it is a large part of our here and now. Some form of AI is driving many of the mundane services we take for granted. If you appreciate the depth-effect on your camera, then thank a form of AI called machine learning!


If you’re an internet marketer, you should know that your specialty is not safe from this new technology’s march. AI is already affecting internet marketing in many powerful ways, and its results are likely to be felt dramatically as we move forward.


In this post, we’ll touch on some of the most significant ways how artificial intelligence affects digital marketing and the most prominent ways!


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Much Smarter Search


The first stop on “How Artificial Intelligence Affects Digital Marketing” journey should be no surprise.  It is Google.  Google has already implemented an AI-heavy approach to search. In fact, it has described itself as an “AI-first company.” This means that Google no longer simply tries to match keywords with text in an article, and instead, it aims to properly understand what the user is asking and provide a more useful answer from a piece of text.


Google is using this to improve Google Assistant, another AI technology piece that it hopes many more people will use to get information from the web and even make some bookings!


Marketers have had to adapt to Google’s reasonably new algorithm called RankBrain, which is only likely to become a more prominent going forward.  RankBrain is a significant component of Google’s core algorithm, which uses machine learning (machines’ ability to teach themselves from data inputs) to determine the most relevant results to search engine queries. Pre-RankBrain, Google utilized its basic algorithm to determine which results to show for a given question.


Artificial Intelligence – Digital Marketing Statistics


  • Over 40% of Marketing and Sales organizations say data science, AI, and machine learning are critical to their success. (Forbes)
  • The wearable artificial intelligence (smartphones & other small mobile devices) market will reach $180 billion by 2025. (Global Market Insights)
  • Additionally, 75% of what users watch on Netflix come from those recommendations. (Netflix)
  • 44 % of executives believe artificial intelligence’s most important benefit is providing data that can be used to make decisions. (Chatbots Magazine)
  • The AI use cases that will see the most investment this year:
    -automated customer service agents ($4.5 billion worldwide),
    -sales process recommendation and automation ($2.7 billion),
    -and automated threat intelligence and prevention systems ($2.7 billion). (IDC)
  • Netflix saved $1 billion in lost revenue in 2017 using machine learning for personalized recommendations. (McKinsey)
  • Amazon leveraged automation reduces ‘click to ship’ time by 225% or down to 15 minutes. (MarketTechAdvisor)

We can also expect computer vision to strengthen Google’s ability to scrutinize and search through images, too.


Computer vision is a field of AI which trains computers to interpret and comprehend the visual world. Using digital images, videos, and deep learning models, machines can accurately identify and classify objects — and then react to what they “see.”




Apparently, over 80% of businesses hope to have a chatbot before the end of 2020. We can reasonably expect this to be prominent going forward, and incredibly as weak AIs, like these, draw closer to passing the Turing Test. 


What benefit is there for digital marketers? Or put another way, how artificial intelligence affects digital marketing, and helps a business owner to grow their business?


A chatbot can provide instant guidance and support as soon as someone lands on a website, significantly raising conversion rates and convincing more people to engage your call to action or CTA. Some fast-food stores now allow you to make orders by only connectin with their chatbots. Furthermore, they can even initiate conversations with people to encourage them to buy!


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Big Data and Tracking


We are tracked by the “cookies” stored on our browsers, by our different user accounts, and other areas of our digital footprint. This information is then used to serve us ads that advertisers believe will be relevant to us. While this is a productive strategy, it could become far more useful once you start implementing machine learning and big data.


In other words, as we collect more data about user behavior, smart learning algorithms can then assess that behavior and pinpoint patterns. This will then allow them to predict user activity and provide links the user might be interested in. This could occur even before they demonstrate an interest in it.


You don’t needlessly repeat and show them something they’ve looked at before. Instead, introduce them to entirely new products based on what other interactions suggest they might be interested in.


Conclusion – How Artificial Intelligence Affects Digital Marketing


We have shared quite a bit of information in this post to address how artificial intelligence affects digital marketing.  Whether you touch the internet for content marketing, sales, or lead generation, you are a digital marketer no matter what your online or offline business is. Therefore as digital marketers, you must think about the things that could impact the face of marketing and dramatically affect your marketing efforts. Based on this post’s content, one of the things that could have the most significant impact is all? Yes, it is Artificial intelligence.


As you have seen so far, whether her or in other sources, AI and machine learning have the potential to completely alter the face of internet marketing. Many old reliable strategies have been rendered obsolete. Part of your job now as a smart entrepreneur and business person is to prepare for those changes. You must ensure that your websites manage to hold their position in the SERP’s, that your advertising campaigns become or remain profitable, and that your services remain suitable.


Much of this stuff isn’t merely conjecture: it’s happening at this moment AI is already behind massive new changes even though you might not realize it yet. Take action by developing a strategy to self educate on this topic. You can start by reviewing some the tools shared in this post or on the site


As a small business owner or new entrepreneur think of how much easier and more effective your niche marketing would become with AI tools.  See our post titled The 5 Key Benefits Of Niche Marketing To Your Business for more on niche marketing.  There you have it.  I hope we have helped to answer how artificial intelligence affects digital marketing and you are on your way!


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About The Author

Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, Business Skills & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

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