7 Online Side Hustle Ideas

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7 Online Side Hustle Ideas

To Generate Extra Cash Each Month


Theodore Henderson 

The Wisdom Man


Generating an extra $500 to $1000 a month may seem impossible right now. But in this article, I’m going to show you how to think differently about online side hustle ideas that have the potential to be highly profitable. Let’s begin!

Online Side Hustle Ideas


1. Blogging


You may not see an immediate ROI or return on investment in blogging. Still, the good thing is it’s pretty much passive income when you start getting some traction. The sky’s pretty much the limit when you think of the income you’ll get when your blog gets the right amount of traffic from search engines and social media! 


2. Affiliate Marketing


You can promote your affiliate links on your blog or your social media accounts. Just make sure you develop something that’s going actually to add value to your followers. For example, there are some excellent affiliate marketing programs that show how to use affiliate systems and keep it budget-friendly. Others operate like an affiliate marketing university to deliver a broader set of skills. Either way, if you executed adequately, you will be able to create real income.


3. Video marketing


You can promote sponsored products via video marketing. You can do video reviews and tutorials on YouTube and monetize it with ads and affiliate links!


4. Social Media Influencer


When you’ve got a considerable following on social media, and you get pretty good engagement rates on your content, then you’re technically a social media influencer. You can effortlessly command premium rates from brands that want to do business with you.

online side hustle ideas
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5. Social Media Manager


Not all businesses know what to do with their social media accounts. As a social media manager , you have the opportunity to make a significant impact on businesses. The great thing is you can have many different clients at the same time because it’s relatively easy to automate social media activity!

side hustle

6. Sell Information Products


Selling eCourses and eBooks are very popular nowadays. It’s relatively easy to create content like these, and it’s easier to outsource it to freelancers who can write faster and better than you. 


7. Freelance work


If you’re interested in freelancing online – like writing, designing, building apps, and websites, etc. – then you should check out sites like Upwork and Freelancer. Note, however, that these are global marketplaces. So, you’ll have people from all over the world competing on price and skill. If you want to set yourself apart from the competition and you’re -extremely confident in your skills, then don’t be afraid to bid rates you know you deserve! 


Never forget that a lot of people have turned their part-time, side-hustle into full-time careers and businesses. But have the clarity to understand that for most of them, it was not an overnight success. It undoubtedly took a lot of hard work and dedication. They also took lessons from their failures and mistakes. 

Conclusion – Online Side Hustle Ideas

Having success with your side-hustle will mean developing an entrepreneur’s mindset. You cannot be easily discouraged and should have the ability to think outside the box. Entrepreneurs think big, and they focus on their long-term vision. They don’t sweat the small stuff. 


For more on this, see one of my previous blog posts, The Subtle Ways To Increase Your Entrepreneur Mindset And Productivity.


If you want to turn your side-hustle into a successful business venture someday and become the business owner, you feel you can then focus on that goal. Do everything within your power to ensure your dreams come to fruition. There’s no better validation that you chose the right side-hustle than by actually succeeding at it!


About The Author

Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals on their business skills, marketing, and leadership strategies. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, Business Skills & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

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