5 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Work Less and Produce More

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5 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Work Less and Produce More


Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man



Entrepreneurs are both blessed and cursed. On the one side, they have more control of when, where, and what kind of work they do. At the same time, most self-employed business people tend to end up working crazy hours. Luckily, there are some simple yet effective ways for you to start to do less while accomplishing more.


Use the 80/20 Rule

If you desire to get more done in less time, then you need to establish your daily work schedule around the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule. Setting a regular work schedule using the 80/20 rule will allow you to spend 80 percent of your working time on the most critical tasks. The remaining 20 percent of your day can be on the menial, but necessary tasks.



If you want to keep your mind alert and your energy levels up, then you need to take frequent breaks from your work. Don’t continue to work under the false notion that you have to work even harder to accomplish your goals. Taking breaks throughout the day and disconnect from your email and phone calls, and step away on the weekends, allow your brain to refresh and your body to recover.


Use The Ultimate Weapon and Say “No”

Highly successful people have to contend with many demands on their time. It is vital that you know what it is you want to achieve and be willing to say no to other projects. Working less and making more is required for a balanced life. If you can’t achieve balance, then you’ll quickly find yourself in a state of overwhelm and on the edge of burning out.

Prioritize your tasks appropriately and be willing to delegate other work and projects.


Have a Well Thought Out Plan

While most entrepreneurs have a long-term or business plan of how they’re going to reach their goals, they fail to plan and prioritize daily. By optimizing your day, you set yourself up for maximum productivity. When you are scattered and unfocused throughout the day, you aren’t able to maximize your time.

If you want to get more done, then you need to set some time aside every evening to plan out and prioritize your task list. The next day you find that you will move more effectively toward achieving your goals.


Outsource Wherever You’re Able To

This doesn’t just apply to work tasks that someone else would be better suited to complete. It has been proven time and again that delegating or outsourcing the things you don’t have time for dramatically improves productivity. 


For more on this topic see my post The 5 Best Ways to Finally Increase Business Productivity.


About The Author

Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, a Certified Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

Visit TheodoreHenderson.com/Resources for more information.  

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