3 Simple Ways Entrepreneurs Use a Calendar to Increase Your Productivity

Your Calendar

3 Simple Ways Entrepreneurs Use a Calendar to Increase Your Productivity


Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man

Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress. 

~ Charles Kettering


There’s always a lot of discussion about how a calendar can fit into one’s productivity system. The best approach is to add scheduled appointments to your calendar. Afterward, add your tasks are added to the task management system you use. However, what must be discussed is what appointments you should be putting in your calendar. To maximize your time management and ensure you’re staying productive, this must be taken into account. Following are the three types of appointments you should schedule to create an effective productivity system.

Generally Scheduled Appointments

These are the typical appointments that you may schedule throughout your week. These would be dates for the doctor or business lunches. They are routine or general, so they need to be treated as such. These kinds of meetings can be moved easily if required, given enough notice is provided, and both parties can do it. However, you should try to avoid rearranging if possible.

Making Self-Appointments

These are the appointments that you make with yourself. They can be in the form of blocks of time that you schedule so that you can work on projects and tasks without interruption. You can transfer these kinds of appointments, but it is more beneficial if you can try to create a framework so that they stay as static as possible.


You want to pick a time during the day when you can work in 90-minute intervals regularly so you can create a habit and improve your productivity. Design your schedule with breaks where nothing is solidly booked. You might even want to take larger blocks and break them down using The Pomodoro Technique – -so that you can move from task to task. You want to keep these time blocks agile enough that you can move them to other hours of the day if needed.

Making Team Appointments

Team appointments are when you need to bring your group together. The best way to schedule these is after you’ve booked the other types of appointments on your calendar. Doing this can, at times, make it more difficult to plan these kinds of meetings, use tools like Doodle or Google Calendar, or possilby Tungle.me to pick optimal times for all.


Always be mindful of the three versions of appointments that you have at your disposal. Your calendar becomes a tremendous tool, when you are an entrepreneur or business owner, that will allow you to create time and space for yourself and then improve your productivity. For additional reading on the subject see 5 Ways Technology Can Clean Up Your Schedule, Productivity Tips For Entrepreneurs And Small Business Owners, and 5 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Work Less and Produce More.


About The Author

Theodore Henderson works with business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a Certified Career Coach, a Certified Leadership Coach, and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA.

Visit TheodoreHenderson.com/Resources for more information.

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