3 Questions To Ask Yourself When You’re Ready To Live Your Dream


3 Questions To Ask Yourself When You’re Ready To Live Your Dream


Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man

Via lorenaknapp.com
via lorenaknapp.com

        “If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it” – Johnathan Winters

One thing many potential entrepreneurs will routinely ask me is exactly what should I be doing to get moving and start my business? Should I be looking into business planning concepts? Should I be creating a business strategy? Writing a business plan? Where can I go to get my creative ideas flowing on a business opportunity?

Successful business owners know that their success begins “at home” with “the person in the mirror.”  In other words it begins with you.  Where I would begin is by asking  yourself three questions. If I were coaching you live, and were to ask you these three questions face to face, I would ONLY share them with you if you promised to take real action immediately. Why? Because there is only ONE thing that I see lacking with the majority of people who feel they want prosperity and wealth, and not with those who know and commit that they are going to be success and wealth, and that is TAKING ACTION.

Below are the three questions you HAVE TO ask of yourself in order to make entrepreneurial success your reality.

1. Are you sincere regarding TRULY living your dream?

2. Are you on the right path to obtain what you want and go where you intend to be?

3. What can you do today to get yourself closer to your desire?

What?? That’s it? You mean that’s all you’re going to offer me Theodore? C’mon – there has got to be some super-secret sauce, or magic elixir of knowledge, you can share with me that will speed me on my way.  There’s got to be SOMETHING that you’re not telling me which will lead me on my course to wealth?

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The main thing that I’ve discovered is that my path is entirely different compared to someone else’s even if it appears similar on the outside. I’ve attempted to do similar things, from a business perspective, as others have previously done, and it just does not end up the same and many times ends in failure. Of course, this is not an absolute.  There are some similar actions that can be taken that will come out the same. However unlike distinct institutions (military, government jobs) that are built on a formula that must be followed, entrepreneurship is totally different in that you use energy and creativity to create something new where it didn’t exist before.  Remember there wasn’t always social networking.  The platforms that comprise it had to be invented.  All said and done what you want and what someone else desires are two totally different things. That is why you won’t hear me preaching to you there is only one way to create a business.

I found out some time ago that this point called your “Why” is the fuel that gets you moving NOT the “How”. There are a lots of publications, books, blogs, etc., by these supposed experts that will “inform you” of all the ways to trade stocks, flip real estate, or reveal to you how they made millions by doing an “infomercial”. I fully admit there is some enjoyment for me in discovering exactly how they did it, however I don’t confuse enjoyment with my personal passion and purpose.

Okay, I hear you. I hear you. Please tell me something I don’t know! All right, lets start with some questions.  Do you actually want to make $100,000 plus, a million dollars or even more? Do you wish for a business opportunity that will, if you are sincere, by taking some time to teach yourself and make wise business moves, you can achieve success? Okay, it’s Real Estate. It is and tried and tested as well as I have a number of pals that make a lot of money handling property. Or is it information marketing? Or is it a restaurant? Financial services perhaps? Lets take a look at one of these options.

How about real estate?  Be honest with me, just what is your STRAIGHTFORWARD response to the following questions? Is it something like “No kidding, I’m doing that already”, “Oh, I could never ever fix a broken toilet at 3:00 AM”, “Should I flip properties, buy and rent, do both?” or was it “Real estate and property management – no way too hard.” The fact is property has actually developed many thousands of millionaires especially over the last three to four decades despite a couple of recessions.  I’ve jumped in and developed some small properties, myself, but it doesn’t thrill me. So, for many people who are interested in real estate as their focus – this works! For me, I’ll probably buy a little more property, because I know how to, but it won’t be my key emphasis. How about you?

Now, returning to the questions above, it is so very easy to look past the questions, yet here’s how you do it. Read the first question. ” Are you sincere regarding TRULY living your dream?” Exactly what is your life like today? Comfortable? Easy? Foreseeable? For  a lot of people, corporate life creates an environment of marginally acceptable “mediocrity”. In many cases, you work at things that aren’t really too hard or very interesting. In some cases, you make enough to have an okay life. You have a home, a car, a “chicken in the pot”, and take a holiday or two a year. After all, everyone else is in the exact same boat right? So if you ask yourself, are you serious? For some people this is okay and that is a good thing.  At least they have made a decision they are comfortable with. 

For many other individuals the answer is – NO. Since their lives are “okay” now. Because of that, you can’t move forward – you’re not prepared to go on. So while the first question might appear simple, it is the hardest one for MANY PEOPLE to HONESTLY answer yes to.  In my case information marketing and teaching were the roads to success.

Three straightforward questions. Three sincere answers. That’s all it takes to get you started on the road to entrepreneurial success.

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About the Author

Theodore Henderson AKA “The Wisdom Man” works with those individuals who desire to become entrepreneurs, business owners who want to improve their leadership and management skills, and those who need more productive career strategies. He’s an Amazon best selling author, a Certified Leadership Coach, Certified Career Coach (by The Five O’Clock Club), and a Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA. He is the author of “9 Simple Steps to Becoming a Strong Leader”, “The Wisdom Compass”, the digital course “The Entrepreneur Series”, and the cyber security eBook “30 Smart Ways to Protect Yourself from Cyber Criminals” aimed at owners of Smartphones, Mobile Devices, and also those who have significant online activities including Social Media, financial services, and more. He may be reached via www.TheodoreHenderson.com.



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