A Simple Writing Tip To Boost Your Brain Power

A Simple Writing Tip To Boost Your Brain Power


Theodore Henderson

The Wisdom Man



Boost Your Brain Power - Warren Buffet
Boost Your Brain Power – Warren Buffet


It is incredible how there is so much happening around us every single day. The result is it is very hard for our mind to remember all of it. The “thought process” is very complicated and indeed fascinating at the same time. To easily retain the details of your day write them down in a diary, journal or a log of some type. To your surprise, your personal “thinking process” will improve as you do this. The chances are that you will be able to remember a dramatically greater variety of details as well that you didn’t strain to call up with the memory just stored in your mind.

By writing down your thoughts, you can also free your brain actually to think. Most times we are analyzing what we think as we do it. Try to get into the habit of writing down what your actual feelings are without allowing yourself to analyze what you are doing. This ability is going to help you uncover how you feel about a certain issue and address them more thoroughly.

Try to recall all of the details of an occurrence that you wish to review in full detail. Determine the five senses that were there for that event to take place. This is critical because later when you read this material again you will be able to bring back those same images with clarity because you are going to stimulate your mind with such a detailed reminder.

To truly benefit your thinking approach, write down your thoughts daily. A lot of people, including this author, do so at the end of a day as a method to help them relax and unwind in the evening. Others choose to write first thing in the morning as it allows them to get plenty of inspiration for that day. If you aren’t interested in writing down events that occur each day consider writing down your dreams. Then you can work on interpreting them.  By the way, this is a really cool hobby.

Successful people have certain goals in life that they want to achieve and writing them down is a giant step towards making them a reality. There isn’t a better method I can think of to have a powerful method of goal visualization. This isn’t an idle activity but a sound approach that permits you to look at the goals once, or several times, daily for encouragement.

Make a firm plan to write for a set period each day. It can be as little as 10 minutes but make sure you do it. And, be focused while you are doing it. Don’t analyze what you are going to say, just let it flow. It is fine to jump from one subject to another. Don’t give any focus to the non-essential facets of the process such as sentence structure or other grammar related issues. Instead, hone in on allowing your brain to freely trudge through whatever you are thinking.

By the way, it is also therapeutic to make note of what you are thinking. It gives you a new perspective and clears out the cluttered mind. An uncluttered mind is a much neater place and an excellent way to reduce stress. They don’t have to rely on mental recall to aid with the details of a previous or forthcoming happening or event. As time passes between when you write down your thoughts and when you return to them the more valuable and cared for they are.


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About The Author

Theodore Henderson is an Amazon best-selling author, Certified Social Media Security Professional Powered by CompTIA, and a CertifiedLeadership Coach.  He is the author of the business program for “Launching Your Great Business Idea,” The Wisdom Compass”,  “9 Simple Strategies to Becoming A Strong Leader” and the Security eBook “30 Smart Ways to Protect Yourself from Cyber Criminals aimed at owners of Smartphones, Mobile Devices, and also those who have significant online activities including Social Media, financial services, etc. He is available for keynotes, seminars, and workshops. He may be reached through www.TheodoreHenderson.com.

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