7 Ways Twitter Use Boosts Your Career

7 Ways Twitter Use Boosts Your Career


Theodore “The Wisdom Man” Henderson

Best Selling Author, Certified Career & Business Adviser, Entrepreneur


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I’m a big proponent of LinkedIn as a professional social media site, but just as any good professional entertainment promoter will tell you there is no best way to fill seats or get eyeballs.  You have to use the best tools at your disposal because you never know what may be the best way at any given time.   Twitter is one of my key business tools along with LinkedIn to promote both my business and my brand.  At times it may be better for your purposes than other choices such as LinkedIn or Facebook.  Twitter is a force that can’t be ignored by young or “old” professionals. It’s an excellent place to get connected and stay informed which can power your professional growth. Here are 7 ways to use Twitter for professional and career development.

1. Put up a real photo:

You may think you don’t take good photos, or you don’t want to be online, or people don’t really want to see you, etc.  Stop the excuses and get over it.  You don’t have to have a professional photographer take your head shots, even though I advise it budget permitting, but have a professional looking photo on your profile.

2. Remember why you are there:

Remember you only have a small amount of space to use for your profile description.  With only 160 characters there is literally no room for verbosity.  Maximize the space that you have in your profile by sharing a professional description of yourself. Share your accomplishments and professional interests but only those things that might help you land a job. Professional Twitter names are helpful also. Use your real name if possible or a close approximation.  This is not the place for clever and cute.  The only time to deviate is if you have a business you want to brand but if you are job hunting stay with your name.

3. Be sincere about your brand:

If you are on Twitter you have a brand.  First, create a professional looking background that works with your personal branding. Once again you are looking for a job or to professionally network so keep it simple, direct, and business focused unless you are in the arts and something different is expected of you.

4. Stay up to date on business trends:

Stay informed by keeping others informed.  You can create a Twitter brand by regularly sharing interesting news, articles, and tools for your industry.  In this way Twitter can keep you in the loop professionally. Follow people who share lots of relevant news and insights that apply to your professional development. Your can share general personal info but keep it non-threatening (no politics, religion, etc.) and no more than 10%.

5. Use Twitter as a tool to build your network:

Twitter is an amazing networking tool, and it can be used to connect with both new and old contacts. Make new relevant networking connections, and find people you already know to converse with them on a regular basis using Twitter.

6. Establish yourself as a thought leader:

Developing and presenting yourself as an expert and thought leader in your industry via Twitter is a phenomenal way to actually become a thought leader! Keep abreast of relevant news, developments, and build authority through sharing what you know.

7. Follow back and follow up:

Following isn’t a one-way street. Pay attention to new followers. You don’t have to follow all of them back, but you should at least check out their profiles, and follow the people that are relevant and interesting to you.  Keep thinking quality not quantity.

Obviously there are more than 7 ways to use Twitter but these are both a good place to start and a great way to remember what you should be doing.  Stay tuned as I will be revisiting this topic in the near future with 7 more ways to get the most out of Twitter for your career transition and job search.

Periodically I do lectures and workshops on this and other Social Medial, career, and business topics.  Access my complimentary Career and Business Strategies Series for information on my speaking and webinar schedule.

In the meantime connect with me at www.twitter.com/theohenderson.

©2013 Theodore Henderson – THJ & Associates All rights reserved.  www.TheodoreHenderson.com

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